Wednesday, November 27, 2019

General Classification of Main Essay Types The Top 10

General Classification of Main Essay Types The Top 10 What is an essay? Interestingly, but the majority of students gets confused or even stressed the very moment they are  asked to come up with this piece of academic work. Firstly, an essay evaluates an issue, with the purpose to present your personal academic opinion on a given subject. Secondly, each type of writing is designed to convey a certain message and perform a certain function. Thirdly, you have to take various viewpoints into account, organize them properly reflect the informed opinion on the topic.   offers premium quality services in writing different types of essays. You will get top-quality writing, done in strict accordance with your requirements.  Order now  and save your time! 10 Most Common Essay Types to Feel Quite at Home in Academic Setting Descriptive Essay  |  Definition Essay  |  Compare and Contrast Essay  |  Cause and Effect  |  Narrative Essay  |  Process Essay  |  Argumentative Essay  |  Critical Essay  |  Expository Essay  |  Persuasive Essay An essay is like an empty canvas. So, fill it with vivid and clear ideas! Vivid picture + clear understanding are your top priorities. These Are the  Top Types of Essay Writing #1 Descriptive Essay, or What’s This? A descriptive essay describes whatever one likes, sees, feels, makes or how it works, happens, sounds, tastes, smells – from the beautiful flower in a vase to the process of honey-making by bees.  Descriptive essays provide every sensory detail of what is actually described. DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE #2 Definition Essays, or Love Is†¦ A definition essay defines the true meaning + importance of abstract concepts, timeless values, specific terms. Definition essays explain deeper more directly than dictionaries. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for definition: speaking about (this), in other words, (or) rather, moreover, in fact, on the one/the other hand, above all. GET IDEA TO WRITE YOUR DEFINITION ESSAY #3 Compare Contrast Essays, or Spot the Difference/Similarity! A compare/contrast essay explores either differences or similarities (likenesses) between 2 places, religions, people, things, concepts, etc.  Comparison/contrast essays focus on the similarities and/or differences, which is done to convince or entertain the reader. A compare essay reviews the similarities, a contrast essay reviews the differences. TOP 30 TOPICS FOR COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY   #4 Cause Effect Essays, or How It Comes A cause/effect essay explains the way why things happen, how it comes what follows next.  Cause/effect essays resemble a study of how it all began what will be the conclusion of all this. This type of essays may address either causes effects tied together, or each of them alone. For example, 3 effects as a result of 1 cause or 3 causes resulting in 1 effect. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for cause-and-effect: for the (simple) reason that, due to (the fact that), whatever happens, in case, even/only if, as a result (of this), thus/consequently/therefore.   READ A SAMPLE OF A CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY #5 Narrative Essays, or One Night I Fell to Thinking of the Past†¦ A narrative essay always tells a story about a single personal experience – either a boring party or an exciting sightseeing excursion, daily routine event or life-shaping voyage.  Narrative essays are generally written in the 1st person, using ‘I’. #6 Process Essays, or Step-by-Step Guide A process essay typically guides on how to do this or that, how this or that is done. It’s a walkthrough, the so-called ‘stepwise refinement’.  Process essays work out in detail, demonstrating specific actions/giving specific instructions to be performed in a series. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for process discussion: in the (first, second, etc.) place, initially, next, eventually, last but not least, finally, in conclusion. #7 Argumentative Essays, or 5 Watertight Arguments Why You Should  Learn to Write Essays An argumentative essay functions as a means for a writer to get a solid argument across to a reader. The purpose of this type of essay is to express an argument in order  to sway the reader to see the topic  through the author’s point of view. It is a useful type of essay for students of any educational level because it is good practice to not only argue a case but also to articulate one’s thoughts on a certain matter. This type of essay uses stern language, solid facts, and undeniable examples as proof that the argument is immaculate. Without these features, the argumentative essay ceases to flow well and comes across as weak.  A good argumentative writer has a solid sense of what he or she believes should be said in any situation. They also have an organized idea of how to articulate the argument against possible opposing ideas. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY TOPICS #8 Critical Essays, or The Court Delivers a Verdict A critical essay brings somebody or something into focus, analyzing the strengths or weaknesses of things, events, people, etc. Critical essays discuss how well the work is done whether its creator has managed the task by conveying the message in his/her book, film, painting. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for criticism: frankly speaking, with attention to, important to realize, another key point, first thing to remember, most compelling evidence, on the positive/negative side CRITICAL ESSAY #9 Expository Essay An expository essay is an essay that requires extensive research on an idea or issue. The writer must present an  evaluation of the issue and the conclusion based on  his or her findings. One of the functions of  this essay format is to learn how to conduct a  research. Research requires a certain set of skills. It takes a lot of practice to obtain them.  Students may want to draw from their own experiences when discussing certain issues they write about. But through expository essay writing, students will find out,  that doing research can be rewarding. Expository essay writing brings a new light to an aspect or idea they probably would not have come to on their own. Expository essays are opinion based essays, so there are no wrong answers when presenting it. However, expect this essay type to be at least 5 paragraphs in length. READ A SAMPLE OF AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY #10 Persuasive Essay Unlike the argumentative essay, the persuasive essay’s main purpose is to persuade readers towards the authors case. Argumentative essays express an argument or opinion. They are not meant to change the reader’s perspective. Most persuasive essays focus on current issues and what people should do about them. Persuasive essays can be  really challenging. Students must show confidence and authority in their writing. They must come across as credible writers. When a persuasive essay loses its credibility, it will ultimately lose the reader. In everyday life situations, charm allows a person to easily persuade another one. Since a persuasive essay is a written piece, it lacks that personal connection. So, the writer should present strong views to sway their readers and do not come across as pushy. Most writers and persuasive essay authors are able to find their own personal connection to their readers through their writing experience. Many students find this as a challenge early on, but with practice and guidance, they soon write persuasive essays naturally. 30 IDEAS FOR PERSUASIVE ESSAY TOPICS is your one-stop shop when it comes to different types of writing. Various types of essay, any complexity level, any length, a number of pages and formatting we are the ones who are ready to help. We are in this business since 2005 and we know how to write standing out  essays. Pick any of our top writers and you will get a paper that stands out! Order now and we will get right to the job!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Argue or accept - Smart Custom Writing Samples

Argue or accept - Smart Custom Writing HomosexualityIn the United States, homosexuality and consequently, same-sex marriages, has resulted in a lot of controversy and the trading of accusations and counter-accusations. Conceptually, marriage is defined as a legal and religious long-term commitment between two people of the opposite sex. This stretches further to incorporate rights in financial responsibilities and benefits as assigned to heterosexual couples. However, this traditional view is increasingly facing change and opposition. Several states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, Iowa, the District of Columbia and, New Jersey have already reflected this clamour for change and adopted legislation allowing gay marriages. In these states therefore, homosexual couples have the freedom to decide whether to marry or not in a legally acceptable manner. The gay couples can enjoy mutual couple benefits such as legal spouse representation, medical visitations, pension benefits and inheritance rights accorded to the bereaved. In a few other states such as Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maine, Colorado and Wisconsin have instituted domestic partnership laws whereby gay couples can enjoy limited rights though gay marriages are out rightly outlawed. This has however not influenced the society to radically accept gay couples and end all stigma and discrimination directed unto them. Proponents of the entrenchment of gay rights into the United States Constitution argue that barring homosexual marriages is tantamount to discrimination. The essence of the United States Constitution is to protect and preserve minorities' rights and hence gay advocates feel that the federal government or anyone else should not bar marriage to any minorities. This argument is further supported by the Interracial Marriage Act whereby marriages across races were prohibited in the United States till 1967. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the pros and cons of gay marriages and evaluate them from a basis of whether it is plausible to not only legalise them but also mount awareness campaigns to de-stigmatize them. There are various arguments that have been put forward in support of gay marriages. These range from rights in freedom in the Bill of Rights, inherent rights, societal perspectives and biological claims. First, lobbyists and advocates for gay couples feel that if they are not legalized, this will be tantamount to isolation of their rights to religious freedom. Opponents to this have expressed the fact that all major religions consider homosexual relationships as a sin. However, the First Amendment as entrenched in the American Constitution that every person’s rights and views pertaining to religion or lack thereof be it a minority group or not, must be protected. The marriage institution is a secular and societal activity in contrast to the widely acknowledged view as a solely religious perspective of people’s lives. Therefore, the government cannot base laws on a religious concept. This can be equated as entrenching the mentioning of God’s name in vain as a crim e. Secondly, benefits that accrue to a married couple such as joint property ownership and medical benefits are also accorded to gay couples if their unions are legalized. Vital societal and mutual benefits such as tax reduction, property ownership, insurance benefits and agency laws affect a couple’s decision-making. For instance, if a partner in a gay couple that has lived together for twenty years falls ill, visitation rights to the other partner are denied since they are not recognized by law as the next of kin or spouse. Therefore, critical decisions such as incapacitation are not discussed conclusively by the couple. This, as the advocates pointedly illustrate, is unfair just because these individuals do not fit a state definition. Thirdly, gay couples and various couples not only feel that this is an accepted lifestyle but also cite biological causation. Over time, the widely held conception that homosexuality is a deviant sexual behavior is fading out. History, dating back to the Greece indicates the existence of homosexual relationships and the origin of such terms such as Lesbos for lesbians. Psychological research is underway that has already achieved in showing that same-sex relationships have a biological causation. However, caution should be taken to differentiate this from a genetic causation which has no substantial basis. This is depicted by the fact that in most gay couples, one partner exhibits characteristics of the opposite sex such as softer voices in males and strong cheekbones in females. There would be absolutely no need for an individual to choose to be gay in a world that frowns upon the same. This argument therefore renders support to the implied theory that homosexuality is involuntary. Fourthly, denying gay couple the right to a legal marriage is discriminatory. America was founded on the concept of majority rule with the protection of minorities such as the anti-slavery acts and inter-racial marriages. Furthermore, it does not hurt anyone in particular or the society. A marriage is deemed as a personal commitment between two people and should not be dictated upon by society. On to the fifth argument for gay marriages, it is important to note marriages are founded on the basis of love not the mutual benefits accorded by the state on couples. This is a life-time commitment whereby the partners vow to support each other through thick and thin and forsake all others till death. It is noteworthy that legal maneuvers accorded to couples in several states have not served to quest the clamor for legalization and acceptance of marriages. This implies there is more to these marriages than just legal aspects. The sixth argument put forward is that gay marriages will entrench family values whereby couples will give up high-risk sexual behaviors. This is a two-edged approach whereby the opposite can be viewed as the erosion of family virtues. However, marriages encourage people to settle down and give up frivolous lifestyles which expose them to STDs and other risks. When married couples commit to building a life together, they depict a positive desirable behavior that should be encouraged. Finally, it is important to note that gay couples enjoy the same financial benefits and constraints encountered by heterosexual marriages. Therefore, a homosexual marriage ensures couples support each other especially in the face of the ongoing turbulent economic times. They can easily meet their bills and utilities and live the American dream if these unions are legalized. On the other hand, opponents to this legislation have come up with a myriad number of reasons as to why gay marriages should not be legalized. First and chief among these is the religious aspect. Most religions in the world today consider homosexuality a great sin. Homosexuality is not only deeply opposed by the various religions in the country but it is also deemed offensive. It is seen as limiting the freedom of religion enjoyed by the majority. The fact that the United States Constitution was founded under a religious perspective and highly borrows from the Christian Bible further serves to indicate the citizens’ opposition to homosexuality. Hence, laws prohibiting homosexuality should be upheld. Secondly, the legalization of gay marriages shall weaken the definition and perspective attached to marriage as per se. With rising cases of divorce, which are projected at 50 percent, the respect accorded to marriages has already been weakened. Gay marriages, if legalized, are expected to increase the number of non-serious marriages viewed as making fun of this serious intuition such as individuals desiring to be tax-exempt. This shall be in utter contrast to the widely felt view that marriage is a sacred institution that should be well-adhered to. Further, this is supported by the fact that only people in the opposite sex can pro-create. Most activists against homosexuality feel that it encourages adoption while ignoring pro-creation, which is viewed as a gift from God. Secondly, the full adoption of marriage into the social setup shall ideally weaken the perspective in which traditional family values are held as the most vital in society. The chief building blocks of every society is the traditional nuclear family setup of man, woman and children. This has been the reason as to why societies have managed to remain rational throughout historical events such as the world wars, the great depression and other similar challenges. Family members have always stuck up close even when friends and lovers forsake thee. Therefore, it is noteworthy that our societies are crumbling due to the increasing change in perception of families and the weakening of their structure. Introducing another perceptive view to the already weakened family view shall definitely worsen the situation. Thirdly, this would trigger a slippery slope in the scope of the legality of marriages. Contrary to the proposition by gay proponents that these marriages would hurt no-one, this would trigger the onset of a chain reaction that would ultimately lead to a radical change in the whole idea of marriage. Abhorrent traits such as incest in which closely relate family members intermarry may come up. There is therefore a need to define the institution of family and marriage firmly, otherwise, the options and variations might prove to be endless. This may sound absurd, but it is vital to note that it does not take the majority to change this but a few activist judges to change these laws by interpreting them under the doctrine of stare decisis so as to impose this on everyone just as was the case in where two judges in California declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.   Finally, the gay culture, under a psychological analysis and review, should not be encouraged. This is since it leads to psychological disorders, much lower life expectancy which is indicated at less than twenty years in comparison to the general population which can be attributed to the hassles experienced by this couples; and the highly likely transmittance of Sexually Transmitted Diseases as is the case in the studies conducted in Haiti by Centre of Disease Control. There is therefore a need to discourage unhealthy practices that are detrimental to humanity. In conclusion, it is important to note the controversy on gay marriages and homosexuality is a societal issue that must be resolved. Either the proponents and advocates of homosexuality will attain legislative and mutual recognition over time or the opponents of this change will manage to contain this whirlwind. It is therefore vital to analyze various articles that have appeared in the recent past which act as pointers as to the direction this crucial debate is taking. New York Times reporter David Dunlap notes that while the licensing marriages does not explicitly prohibit homosexual marriages at any one time, it â€Å"used terms of gender that clearly indicated that only heterosexual couples could marry.... In 1993, the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that a refusal to grant marriage licenses violated the state constitution. Even though the court found that the state of Hawaii’s constitution had discriminated against homosexuals, which should legalize marriage nationally, presently there have been no same-sex marriage license that have been issued anywhere in the United States .† This reflects the situation at the time. There have been wide-felt changes since then. As of 2010, various states have already passed legislation in favour of gay marriages and gone ahead to issue licences. Conversely, an Online US News columnist feels that â€Å"one state court should not dictate marriage laws for the entire nation. If gay marriages become legal in Hawaii, other states may have to recognize them, as well, because the U.S. Constitution requires each state to grant full faith and credit to the acts of other states. But, he argues, many states do not want to recognize same-sex unions, and should not be forced to do so by a few judges in Hawaii.† Hawaii has gone forth to include various legal rights which safeguard the interests of gays. Is this a pointer that homosexuality is here to stay?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Different forms of paternalism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Different forms of paternalism - Coursework Example Paternalism is not a mere construct that was used to subdue the Black race so as the Whites would take advantage of them since they were views as the weaker race. A move by the Blacks to fight for their rights does not justify that Blacks are unruly and must be controlled and supervised by the Whites. (Hopper, 1988). Â  The view on paternalism materializes in Colors in both a positive and a negative way. In the film Colors, the concept of paternalism is well presented by Dennis Hopper. In the film, gang culture is evident. Hopper (1998) presents the Black and Latino youth gangs fighting each other and with the police. The attempts to control the gang problems present a clear evidence of racist and paternalistic assumptions by the Whites. In this context one would argue that paternalism is required so as to control the gang issues. For instance, in the scene where a family is offloading beach stuff, and are suddenly attacked by a gang of people that are shirtless, in bandannas, sungl asses and in the hairnets (Hopper, 1988). Even after the man attempts to protect himself, the gang stabs him. The scene on the White Fence neighborhood explains on the needs for paternalism to control the Blacks and their gang issues as we see a kid spray painted on the face and confrontations begin (Hopper, 1988). It is essential to note, nonetheless, that not all the outbreaks of violence in the film are Black and gang related. In line with this thought, therefore, paternalism is disqualified.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assignment 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 3 - Coursework Example b. Bridget should first of all arrive at a figure as per her limited income as to the maximum amount she can spend on food. Next, she must determine the various amounts of utility derived from wine and cheese at various levels of consumption units. This will give requisite information as to the levels of consumption for both wine and cheese, where the marginal utility per dollar spent for both will be equal. This will give the combination of utility maximizing quantities. Applied problem 1.As per the given problem (Thomas & Maurice, 2011, pp. 204-232), USA today does not agree with the analyst that a raise in unit price of the paper from 50 to 75 cents will bring in an additional $65 million revenue. In this case, the analyst is assuming that the demand for paper is relatively inelastic and increasing price will not cause the sales of copies to drop. However, the USA today itself, citing the example of Wall street Journal, rejects this observation. It does so based on the observation that the sales of wall street journal dropped sharply after an increase in the price per unit. In doing so, the paper assumes that Price elasticity of demand for the paper is the same as that of Wall street journal. In doing so, it implicitly assumes that the demand for the paper is highly price elastic. Applied problem 1.As per the given problem (Thomas & Maurice, 2011, pp. 243-276) , the Wilpen company, is a price setting firm, which estimates its U.S. demand for Tennis balls using the following linear equation: Where, Q is the number of cans of Tennis Balls sold quarterly, P is the wholesale price of a can of tennis balls, M is the consumers’ average household income and Pr is the average price of tennis Rackets. Based on the given information, a. The Parameter a, which is the Y intercept for the regression line for the function. As per the computer output given, the value of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Fatal Mistake Essay Example for Free

The Fatal Mistake Essay This is Swetas book, she gave it to me, she replied. I never knew you read Daniel Steel? , she glared at her. Sweta told me that this was really an emotional story and I would love it, she said. Why did you come back early from college? , she asked. The lecturer was absent. Anyway one of my classmate is coming here today, he has some doubts in economics, she said. Which classmate? , she asked. You dont know him, even I didnt know that he stayed in our apartments till today, she said. Fine! I am going to Nehas house, we have to do our homework together, she said picking up her books. When will you be back? , Kavita asked. In an hour, I have to go for Badminton practice after that, she said, she had goosebumps all over her when she thought of Nakul. What is this new you have started, badminton practice daily? , asked her sister. Someone told me that I was good and should participate in the junior tournament in the colony, so he is just teaching me, she said. He? Who is this he? , she asked. He is the champion of our colony and he is coaching me now days, you should see him, he is great, Mala said. Eeks! Badminton, please I hate that game, she said and got back to her books. Yeah! You cant see anything apart from your books, Mala said and walked out of the house. An hour later Mala came back from her friends house and saw that Kavita was clearing the table. So did that boy come? , Mala asked. Yes he did, he just went a few seconds back, she replied. You should have made him wait, I would have met him too, she grumbled. He will come here daily till our exams, so you can see him some other time, she said, going back to her room. Fine, I am going for my practice, will be back in two hours or so, Mala said and out she went. This time Nakul wasnt there, so she started to practice on her own. In another five minutes, Nakul came to the court. Sorry, I am late, he said. No problem, what happened? , she asked. Actually my exams are coming, so I have to study. I am weak at a few subjects, he said. Fine, she muttered, she didnt even know what he studied or where he studied, she made a mental note of asking it later. The game went off even better than the previous day. After the two hours both of them were completely dead. God! I just dont feel like going home, he said. Why? , she asked. I just feel like playing with you the whole day, it is so much of fun. Once you go home, you have to start studying the horrible subjects, he said. She laughed. What are you studying? , she asked. I am doing Final year Economics hons, he said. Great! Even my sister is doing that, she said. You have a sister, I didnt know that. Doesnt she play badminton? , he asked. She hates outdoor sports, she hardly comes out, she said. Oh! Mala I have to leave now, I am getting late for my tuitions, he said. Yeah bye! See you tomorrow, she said. Not tomorrow Mala, I have to take extra tuitions tomorrow, we will meet day after tomorrow, he said. Yeah fine, she said looking dejected. This time she didnt run all the way home, rather she was quite upset. He could have taken out at least an hour for the practice. That night again she had that bad dream, but this time she could see a few more things. She could see that the gleaming thing was a sharp knife. She could see that the other person was poking the knife at Kavita. And before Kavita lost her consciousness she wrote something on a piece of paper, it looked like a name alam. Mala got up feeling quite nauseated. The dream felt so real that she was literally shaking in fright. Who was Alam? And who killed Kavita? Why would anyone want to kill her? She would have to ask Kavita, who Alam was. The next day, Mala confronted Kavita. Do you know any guy called Alam? , she asked. Alam? No I have never heard that name, why are you asking that? , she asked. Have you picked up a fight with someone? , she asked. No, but why are you asking me all that? , she asked. Nothing, she got up. Maybe what I am thinking is all wrong, maybe I am going mad, she thought to herself. Mala, I have bought something for you. I was at Lajpat Nagar today and I found something that you will love, she said taking out a packet. Mala gasped in shock, it was a blue bag with Snow White on it. She held on to the bag, nervously. She had become completely pale. Did you like it? I thought your bag has become really old, so I bought this for you, Kavita said. Thanks I love it, she managed to say. She thought over her dream once again. The murder weapon would be in her bag or maybe she was the one who took the weapon from the bag. Would she try to kill Kavita? But why? Why would I kill my own sister? What is happening , she looked really scared. The next day was no out of usual. Mala was worried the whole day. She kept thinking about her dream again and again. When she came home in afternoon she lay tiredly on the bed. She soon dozed off. When she got up it was four in the evening. Oh, I am missing my badminton practice. oh Nakul is not coming today, she sighed in relief and again lay on the bed. She could hear Kavita in the hall. She was with her classmate, teaching him. Mala got up and freshened up, then she came out of the room to go to the kitchen. On the way she passed the hall and she stood for a while to see the guy, Kavita was teaching. Her heart took a double jump, as soon as she saw him. Nakul.. Nakul was in Kavitas class and she is teaching him. She quietly walked into the hall. Hi Mala! Come meet Nakul, he is in my class and Nakul, she is my sister Mala, she said introducing them. Hi Mala, I didnt know that you were Kavitas sister, he said. Hi and I didnt know that you were Kavitas classmate, she said with a smile. Excuse me! Am I missing something? Do you people know each other? , Kavita asked. Yes, I told you about the champion who coaches me for badminton, Nakul is the one, Mala said. Oh Great! I didnt know that, she said. I should say that Mala is great, you should just see her playing, Nakul said. I have heard that you are a champion, I should see you playing sometimes too, Kavita said with a smile. I have called her so many times to see my play and she never came and now she will see Nakul playing, Mala thought, as a tinge of jealously hit her. I am not a champion, you are the champion of the college, you should see your grades, he told Kavita. Oh please Nakul, stop that, she said giving him a shove. Kavi, dont be so modest dear, he smiled. Mala stared at them strangely. Even she didnt call her Kavi, who was he to call her that way and anyway the hell was she behaving like this with him? . I am tired, lets go out for a Pepsi, Nakul asked Kavita. Yeah Sure! Mala would you like to join us? , she asked. She stared at them. She felt that they didnt want her to join, Nakul didnt even ask her. No, I am a little busy. You guys go on, she said. Fine! Come Kavi, lets go, he said. He looks so happy that I am not going. We have practiced so hard, didnt he ever feel like going in for a Pepsi break with me, she was really pissed off. She walked into her room without even saying bye to them. She sat on the bed and the scene flashed through her mind again. The way both of them were looking at each other and talking to each other. Was there something going on between them? He looks quite impressed with Kavita and who isnt? She always impresses everyone with her sweet talking and her flirtatious attitude. But why Nakul, why couldnt she have just left Nakul for me? I loved Nakul, God! Why does this happen to me always? I will have to talk to her, she thought. That night their parents were not at home, so this was the perfect time Mala could talk to Kavita. Kavita we need to talk, she said gravely. Yeah, whats up? , she said, looking up from her novel. From when do you know Nakul? , she asked. I told you he is my classmate, I know him from three years, she replied. Are you close to him? , she asked. What sort of question is that? He is a good friend of mine, she said. Good Friend! You are having an affair with him, she screamed. Oh yeah! I am having am affair with him, she said sarcastically. Please Kavita! Dont make a joke of it. You have snatched away everything from me but not this time. I wont allow Nakul to fall into your trap, she roared. What nonsense are you talking? What trap? And what do you know about Nakul? , she asked. I know that I love him, I truly love him. My love is not an infatuation, I have loved him for four years and now when I am about to get him, you are playing your tricks, she shouted. Mala you are completely out of your mind, Nakul can never love you, she said. Oh yes! And why not? Because you love him and want him, you cant do this to me, you cant. I wont let him go away from me, she looked really flared up. Listen Mala! You dont know a thing about Mala, he will never love you because. , before she could complete her sentence, Mala had poked the knife she had brought in her bag into her stomach. Kavita gasped in horror. She turned and tossed in pain. She had a pen in hand and in the book she wrote mala , Its mirror reflection when Mala saw looked like alam. Kavita lay dead in a few seconds. Mala quietly cleaned all the fingerprints from the knife and kept it over the body. Then minutes later she screamed. Hearing her all the neighbours rushed to the house. Mala ran out like a mad girl and soon the police had arrived. Mala was in no condition to speak, everyone knew that she had loved her sister so much. The police registered the case as a robbery cum murder, the thief had come to rob the place but Kavita saw him and in order to save him he killed Kavita. All the while Mala was in the hall watching her favourite cartoon Snow White. A week later, everything came back to normal. Mala again started to practice badminton with Nakul. That day Nakul had come with a friend of his. He introduced him to Mala. Mala, this is Yash, my boyfriend, he said. Hi Yash, Nakul why did you refer to him as your boyfriend, you could have called him your friend. Boyfriend seems so weird, she said. Nakul looked towards Yash and he smiled back. Mala you have become a good friend of mine so I wouldnt hide it from you. He is my boyfriend, I am a gay, he said frankly. Mala looked stoned. She froze to her bones. She ran all the way to her house and sat on the bed. Kavita was so right, Kavita I am so sorry, I am so sorry.. you were right.. He could never love me he could never love me, Mala cried. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hitler Essay -- essays research papers

INTRODUCTION Hitler was an incredibly gifted person. He was an intelligent speaker, as he managed to sway 14.7 million people to vote for him even though his ideas were unpopular. Hitler was able to take over half of Europe with a country that was heavily in debt and had poor morale. He even negotiated to surpass all levels of government and declare himself dictator. Hitler was a gifted painter although most, if not all, of his works were never published. His paintings were done in watercolors and mostly of landscapes. He was painting even after the year of 1919 when politics became his overwhelming concern. Hitler was an extremely bright child. He even said, "The school work was ridiculously easy, leaving me so much free time that the sun saw more of me than my room...† Although as he got older his marks started to slip and the teachers began to get a bad impression of him, he was still very bright (one cannot become stupider). He eventually went on to join the army and become a semi-successful soldier (on the account that he was merely wounded and not killed). CHILDHOOD The Hitler family consisted of the mother, Klara, the father, Alois, and two children, Alois and Angela. Klara gave birth to a baby boy named Adolf on April 20, 1889 at the Pommer Inn. The Hitlers soon moved to Braunau. His godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Prinz and Maria Matzelbeger. As a child little Adolf was babied and his mother protected him from his father, Alois Hitler. Alois was quite a tyrant, but he usually ignored Adolf. In 1892 Adolf's father earned a promotion and the family was forced to move to Passau. Here Hitler enjoyed playing Germans and French or cowboys and Indians. At about this time, in 1984 Klara gave birth to another boy whom she named Edmund. Hitler was no longer the baby but his father had been transferred to Linz the year before so everything was going well for young Adolf. After a year of living without dad the Hitler family moved to Hafeld where Alois Sr. had purchased a house. A month after his arrival Hitler entered the little county school at Fischlam bei Lambach on May 1, 1895. On June 25, 1895 Alois retired at 58 to a life of leisure and beekeeping. Now Alois could devote more of his time to disciplining Adolf, so poor lit... ...face of the planet and eventually have a master race. He would have also liked to take over Russia but he attacked too early in the war and made foolish decisions about the time of year in which to attack. So although he reached the goal of killing 6 million Jews and conquering a good portion of Europe he was morally wrong and was eventually defeated. CONCLUSION Hitler was a man of many talents and gifts. He struggled through hardship and poverty to triumph and to become both the most famous and the most infamous man in history. He died tragically at the low point of his life, maybe regretting the mistakes he made. The world would be a very different place if it weren't for him, and although the things he did were wrong the human race benefited from his actions. For he taught us not to act at the last moment when people are suffering, and he showed the German people that they could be a nation and stand strong against the power of the world. He also taught the countries of the world to forget their differences and to act against a common evil. And he taught us hardship and suffering. Something that will make the human race stronger in the long run.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Civilization in Africa

The era of African civilization is a pre-colonial history of 16,000 BC through 1800. Africa is well known with diversity of culture and many colonial masters. The civilization ranges widely from the social and cultural points of view. It does not exclude the technology and the economy.From an objective overview, it shall be demonstrated that histories and civilization of Africa since 1800 is a clue to understanding the essential roles played by the African people and continent as a whole in the genealogy of human race. The topic – civilization in Africa is inexhaustible. We shall consider each heading in brief.IntroductionAfrica is a large continent of immense population tribes and size, almost covering a whole twelve million squares landscape in miles. This distance is times three of the United States of America. Majority of the land mass is situated along the globe tropics. Others are rain forests, tropical forest comprising less than ten percent of the continent.Much of its surface is enveloped by open grassland, Savanna’s forestation, dry plain land and deserts. In geographical and geological terms, Africa is formed by numerous â€Å"high plateaus broken in the east by the Great Rift Valley and the mountains that surround it; large rivers – River Congo, River Nile, River Zambezi, and River Niger.Begin in the interior of the continent and flow to the sea over the great falls and cataracts; this marks the channel from the plateau down the coast†.The Ghana EmpireColonized in the southeastern Mauritania, Western Mali, and Eastern Senegal. It began in the 8th century with a dramatic drift in Sahel economy area southern Sahara. Initially, camel was introduced. This preceded Muslims and Islam centuries ago. Later, there was introduction evolutional trade, extensive gold, ivory, and salt resources.These were sent to North Africa, Middle East and Europe in an exchange or other needed manufactured goods and commodities. The success of the empire was connected in addition to aforesaid exchange, from rich â€Å"trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt†. They gain control over other lucrative trades. In addition to its success, Ghana could harbor army of over 200,000 soldiers.The Mali EmpireFounded by Sundiata Keita, and reigns from 1235 to 1600. Otherwise known as Manding Empire or Manden Kurufa. Of importance are the cultural influences Mali Empire had on West Africa in â€Å"terms of language, laws and customs.† Kouroukan Fouga reigned in Mali Empire with a notable social and economic reform, relieving mal-handled slaves, encouraging women in power.Mansa Mari reigned conquered several icons in Mali empire. With this, he ruled a larger realm that out ways that o Ghana Empire, extending over a thousand miles east to west. Having unified Manden, Mari added â€Å"Wagara goldfields† among the conquered lands were northern commercial towns Oulata and Audaghost. Mali Empire was indeed great.The Mutapa Empir eSimply means â€Å"conquered land†. The empire was created by Rozi o the modern-day Shonans. â€Å"The founder of the ruling dynasty was Mbire, a semi-mythical potentate active in the 13th century. Mbire's purported great-great-grandson Nyatsimba was the first ruler to assume the title of the â€Å"owner of the Conquered Lands and Peoples.†Mutapa Empire survived based on the Chinaware and fabrics were exchanged for luxurious gold before the states collapsed and moved to Mount Fura. Portuguese attempted to overpower Shona but failed (Fernand Braudel).CivilizationAgricultureOwing that the first domesticated cultivations were sorghums and millets, the origin of agricultural civilization is traced far to the West Asia. The channel of agricultural transportation is marked to have gone via the Egypt or Ethiopia; they both had contact with the Red Sea. The agricultural civilization is traced far as 3000 B.C.The dissertation of Sahara, moving people to the south sub-Saharan African provides a sustained fish farming for livelihood. African began to plant and develop its own crops. This did not still exclude warn reception on import foods from neighboring continent in addendum. The foundational area for African crops’ domestication ranges between Ethiopia through the southern Sudan to West Africa.The success of earlier crops gave confidence to planting other cash crops such as bananas which were introduced from the Southern Asia. In 16th century, maize, manioc, apples and other crops spread through the land from America.Livestock rearing also originated from outside the African continent. Cattle for example were introduced from Asia. Horses spread across Sudan to West Africa from West Asia through the Hyksos – invader in Egypt. Live stock serves a mean of survival in the arid region of Savanna belt and the Sahara.The spread of cattle were significantly limited by tsetse fly in certain part of Africa. The fly is a carrier of causative organi sm causing sleeping sickness. According to experts, â€Å"the tsetse flourished in wet lowlands areas below the sea level of 3300 feet, and it severely limited pastoralism and also hindered the use of animals for farming and transport as away of life in large areas of West and central Africa.†Technological driftThe civilization of Africa recorded a technological shift from technology of stone to technology of iron. The shifting earlier passed sequentially through the stages of copper and bronze metallurgy. The Phoenicians transported the knowledge of iron smelting technology from Near East and Anatolia of Africa to their colonies.The knowledge of iron smelting had been in existence for over a thousand years B. C. From here, iron technology migrated to the Western Europe. Some of the evidences of iron technology originating in Africa still remain in substantial part of Nigeria culture, Ghana, and Mali.In the uncivilized African, iron symbolized a possession of Power. The black smith made tools and weapons from iron, the possessions of which confirm the owners an important place in the society.America received late development in metallurgy. In the present civilized Africa, Africans have found a better use in making cutleries, utensils and as a mean of revenue generation fro exportation.EconomyAfricans usually inhabit a small enclosure with poor sanitation. This owing to the poor economy condition led to numerous avoidable and preventable prevailing diseases. The politics of importing raw materials to finance the economy and develop Africa worried the colonial masters.The first colonial response was rather a move to separate Africans from Asians and Europeans, and establish control laws, hence, the establishment of apartheid policy in South Africa in 1950. This policy later spread to Nairobi, Harare, Lusaka.With the dragging economic recession over years in the past, prices of African exporting products fell drastically, leading to a pronounced economic do wnturn and crisis. Leaderships of Africa lend a helping hand from civilized continents to salvage the suffering masses.With the knowledge, the mining companies for example began to prefer permanent workers, authorities changed some stiff policies to effect change and facilitate development.The new policies mainly strengthened the land control by individuals, city growth and by and large make life easier for a better administration. Sequel to the introduction of the apartheid policies, the urban migration received a boost of 3.3% and an overall of 4.6% in Africa. Some challenges that the policy is regionally limited.  The growth in economy further encouraged many other civilization agenda Africa. Social amenities and services, including primary schools, secondary schools, and even some tertiary institutions were built close to the end of the colonial era.With the collective support and the regain of economic depression in 1930, infrastructures were developed to meet the peculiar ne ed of the people/masses. These were road constructions, electricity grid erection, and provision of borehole water among others.EducationGradually in early 90s, African begins to travel around the world in search of westernization. The discovery of western education has been a major brake through in the continent.Through education, African became significantly independent to take care of her own health, though with the limited power to manufacture drugs and equipment. The advent of information and technology in the present civilized Africa is a dividend of academic liberation from ignorance and hard life.ConclusionBut for civilization, hard ship and sufferings would amount a gradual extinct of the human source itself- the African land. On the scale of development many grounds are yet to be conquered for African dependent. Over 60% of Africans’ daily needs are still based on importation, the huge debt to World Bank and IMF is an economic enslavement that speaks loud of underde veloped and yet civilized Africa.When will Africa and the entire black race be free of bad leadership that failed to focus on the pertinent needs in the interest of its economy? When will our mother land that gave birth to nations be redeemed from gradual abstract extinction? With a civilized utilization of African abundant natural resources, the room is widely open to absorbed awaiting development and full civilization.ReferencesLobell, Jarrett (July/August 2002). â€Å"Etruscan Pompeii†. Archaeological Institute of America 55 (4). Retrieved on September 2007.Libourel, Anthony, Jan (1973). â€Å"A Battle of Uncertain Outcome in the Second Samnite War†. American Journal of Philosophy 94 (1): 71. Retrieved on Sep. 2007Diamond, Jared (1999). Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. Norton.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Leadership is an abstract idea that accommodates many descriptions

Leadership is an abstract idea that accommodates many descriptions which all seek to harmonize the meaning and definitions that are associated with someone being a leader. In the social sphere, it can be regarded as the way in which some certain individual with desired characteristics like social responsibility take up the helms or control in social domains.This control is aimed at filling a vacuum that exists for the coordination of activities and the making of some crucial decisions for the well being of all. All this is aimed at accomplishment of certain personal or national goals.Mahatma Gandhi is someone who can be regarded as a leader by what he did for his country and the great feats that he achieved during his lifetime. He was born in India (1869- 1948) from not such an influential background but due to his dedication and devotion to his idealism in life, he arose through the ranks to become a national leader that was revered by all people.His political ambition was rekindled after he moved to Africa (South Africa) as an attorney and he saw the rampant abuse of human rights by the Transvaal’s discriminatory government which took him into the limelight as being a tenacious crusader of human rights.His fights and campaigns did not end there in South Africa but the ambition was developed onto a calling which later was culminated into his character. This was an instrumental step that led to development of his system of non violent defiance so as to achieve a common good for all. This worked for him when he returned to his mother country and led his country to independence from the British imperial masters (Fischer 23).Leadership is a venture that can be quite demanding and several traits are required of those that can merit the title of being a leader. On the forefront is sacrifice and a legacy of self denial always putting the interests of others (your subjects) before your own personal ambitions.This should be something that is inbuilt because lear ning it is a hard task that is almost impossible. It does not mean that you throw away your ambition in life and form new ones but rather it dictates that you integrate your ambition with greater ideologies that are expanded to cater for national interests.Synchronization of your interest in life with those of others in life will work best and this will be a key in avoiding conflict. Selflessness is one of the traits that are exhibited by Gandhi. He never took life as complicated but he denied himself luxuries and the good tidings that come with being a nationalistic leader. He led a simple ascetic life that served to make him more appealing to all people both poor and rich or mighty (Fischer 67).Leadership comes with an arduous task of dealing with all kinds of people from different walks of life. This calls for a sober mind and an all inclusive approach to life. All this is controlled by humility which is a requirement of a leader and not a necessity. Humility can guarantee you ac cess and audience with all regardless of their social class.By being a humble person means that you will go out of your way to serve others and not wait to be served. Often most people associate leadership with being a boss over other people but it should be the other way round. In serving others, your leadership skills are enhanced and you get a one on one experience such that many people will regard you high as opposed to serving others and you one person, you will regard others high.This is one trait that made Mahatma Gandhi to stand out from the crowds. He was always out there serving others and more so the poor and those who are regarded as low in the Indian caste system. He even left his own caste and went down to lower caste (that was for predominantly poor) and tried to raise its social status and put it at par with other social castes. This made him a champion of fighting for rights of the poor and the minority.Approach to leadership should be broad minded and not narrow. I t has for a long time been taken that advancing racial, ethnic or even tribal can warrant you to be called a leader.This is the wrong approach to leadership since if you consider a country like US for instance, there are many people coming from different races, and different social backgrounds, their religious believes and faith are also divergent thereby for one to be a leader of such a community or nation, he or she must be nationalistic and not racial or regional in the way to approach issues that are affecting the country. In his lifetime, Gandhi was always striving for peace, harmony and good co existence regardless of ones religious inclinations or beliefs (Fischer 56).It is said that he studied all the major religions of the world (Christianity, Islam and Hinduism) in his quest for searching for truth which would promote national cohesion.When I was in high school, I was very much involved in sports and extra curricula activities. Actually, when I joined college it was on sch olarship emanating from my athletic abilities. I indulged mostly in basketball where I played in the position of a forward. In a basketball game (in all sport for that matter) the ultimate goal is to win trophies and be the best in the sport.For a team to achieve this, all personal ambitions have to be shed for the benefit of the team. All the team members are gifted with different skills and individual talent in most cases can not win games but it is the combined efforts of the team members that win games and trophies.By the mere fact that you made the shortlist, was an indication enough that you were talented and capable of success. I was a forward and was selected as the team captain not that I was the best in the team but I had some characters that fitted a leader.It is often said that it is the people who designate you a leader and not you that designate yourself, therefore the coach had confidence that I could deliver as a captain and help my team win trophies. The best chance that arose for me to exhibit my leadership prowess was during one time in the conference finals where it was do or die to clinch the title.The game started well and proceeded on till the last dying moments when there were five minutes on the buzzer and we were trailing our opponents by five points. In basketball any body can score but that job is better left to the forwards because of their enhanced speed and accuracy.I was good at shooting but there was this guy who was a guard but he was not a regular in the first team. His advantage was that he was very good when it came to three pointers. Someone had to be axed so that this guy could be given a chance to even the scores and win the game for us.In the last time off, I convinced the coach to give that guy my chance so that he could use his prowess in shooting three pointers. The coach at first objected since I was the captain but later had to cave in and that is how we won the trophy because the guy did his thing and we emerged v ictorious in the end.Work citedFischer, L. The essential Gandhi An Anthology. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Foreigner visit essays

Foreigner visit essays To a foreigner coming to India, I would first welcome him to our country which is rich in culture and good in heritage. I will then take the opportunity to give a proper introduction to him of our country. Our country has diversity in unity. Our country is democratic and believes in secularism. It abounds in flora and fauna. Also, Our country is a land of myriad languages, a veritable Babel of tongues and numerous moves of apparel and countless mannerisms and multiplicity of ethnic groups. India has produced luminaries such as Buddha, Mahavira, Shankaracharya and Mahatma Gandhi who gave the message of peace and non-violence, which the world needs more then ever before. Mahatma Gandhi used non-violence to win freedom for the country and showed the way to bring about a peaceful world order. Though, India was under subjugation of British rule for about two centuries; after attaining freedom it has taken giant strides in the field of science, information technology, medical and agriculture. Moreover, our GDP growth has been growing steadily ever since. I will then make the foreigner be familiar with the sights of our country particularly the Taj Mahal, which is the 8th wonder of the world, located in Agra, monument of love and imagination that represents India to the world. Besides Taj Mahal, I will introduce him with Red Fort, Qutub Minar and India Gate located in New Delhi. Lastly, I will assure the foreigner that people in India welcome guests with open arms and that he will go with a good impression of the country. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Advice for Finding a Private School Teaching Job

Advice for Finding a Private School Teaching Job Cornelia and Jim Iredell run Independent School Placement, which matches educators with independent schools in New York City, its suburbs, and New Jersey. The company was founded in 1987. We asked Cornelia Iredell her advice for teachers and teacher candidates. Here’s what she had to say: What do private schools look for in teacher applicants? These days, just as much as advanced degrees and familiarity with independent schools, independent schools look for experience in the classroom. It used to be 25 years ago that if you went to a wonderful college, you could walk into an independent school and start teaching. That’s not true these days, except perhaps in the suburbs in Connecticut and New Jersey. In New York City independent schools, the position open to people with that background is the assistant teacher in elementary grades. It’s the easiest entry-level position. You need a strong undergraduate degree and some experience working with children. The more academic schools really look for someone who’s had more professional experience and who’s halfway through a master’s or done some student teaching. Even that is more difficult for someone with a B.A. Schools will make an exception for an alumna or alumnus sometimes. Why is prior teaching experience so important? One of the situations that teachers in independent schools may face is a parent asking why a student isn’t getting an â€Å"A.† Kids will complain too if the teacher doesn’t have experience. The schools want to make sure the teacher is prepared to deal with these types of situations. On the other hand, teacher candidates shouldn’t worry about where they got their degrees. Some schools are known for certain programs, and these schools aren’t necessarily top tier or Ivy League. People will sit up and take notice at all kinds of schools around the country. What is your advice for mid-career people looking to transition? For the mid-career person, these schools have an individualized process. The schools may be looking for someone with professional experience. They may be looking for someone who can do something else, such as development. A career changer can find a job in an independent school. We see an increasing number of career changers who are tired of doing what they are doing. Now, we’re more frequently getting candidates who have done some graduate work in the field. We’ve had people do the New York City Teaching Fellows program even if they’re interested in independent schools, so they can get hands-on training. What is your advice for jobseekers? Get experience in some way. If you are a recent grad, do Teach for America or the NYC Teaching Fellows program. If you can put up with being in a difficult school, it can be an eye-opener. People will take you seriously. You can also try to find a position in a boarding school or another part of the country, where it is more difficult to find the ideal teacher. Boarding schools are more open to intern teachers. They give you a lot of mentoring. It’s a wonderful experience. In addition, write a good cover letter and resume. Some of the cover letters and resumes we see are in poor shape these days. People don’t know how to structure a cover letter introducing themselves. People present themselves badly and praise themselves in the letter and overstate their experience. Instead, keep it brief and factual. Can public school teachers transition to private schools? Yes, they can! Certainly there are lower school teachers who’ve been head teachers in public elementary schools. If it’s someone who’s been tied to testing and a Regents curriculum, it’s harder. If you are coming from a public school, become more familiar with independent schools. Sit in classes, and get an idea of what the expectations are and what the classroom dynamic is. What helps teachers  be successful once in schools? A good mentoring program helps people. Some schools have a more formal one, while some are more informal. Have not only a mentor in your own teaching department, but have someone perhaps in a different area who is not tied in with commenting on how you are teaching your subject and can give you feedback on how you are relating to your students. Being a subject matter expert and a good teacher are both important, particularly in the upper school. Again, that’s part of the importance of the style of the person fitting in with the school. Teachers are always nervous about the demo lesson they have to do as candidates. It’s an artificial situation. What the schools are looking at is the style of the teacher, whether the teacher connects with the class. It’s important to engage the students. Are there any particular areas of growth? Independent schools are always evolving and working to stay at the forefront of learning and education. They are constantly reevaluating their curriculum, even the best schools. Many schools offer a global emphasis in many areas in the curriculum and a greater movement towards interdisciplinary work. There is also a move towards a student-centered approach and modern skills and learning methods. Real world experience is also becoming increasingly important, as are skills in technology, design thinking, entrepreneurship and more, so teachers with life experience might find themselves at the top of the resume pile.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Evolutionists and Creationists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evolutionists and Creationists - Essay Example As explained in, evolution is founded on evidences which are attached to universal principles that elucidate visible and verified features of the human race. By learning fossil accounts we have a fine image of the evolution of human life and the series of definite features which have advanced through the years. The detection of fossils, on the other hand, has challenged several in their basic religious viewpoint. Evolution is a continuous process. On a biological stage, evolution takes place on every day basis. Being an evolutionist I am aware of the fact that micro organisms transform, reproduce and go by different types to stay alive in their atmosphere. They take in, adjust and create genetic amendment over generations so as to raise their survival time. This development of new organisms, on the other hand, causes a difficulty for the growth of new antibiotics that are not resistant to some specific micro organisms. This wires Darwin's hypothesis of natural collection. Creationists trust that all existing things were shaped and made by God. The Book of origins, a declaration of believes in the words of Moses is a consideration to have inspiration by God. The book explains the formation of the world and of the origin of human race (Adam & Eve). In accordance with Christians, this is the single material evidence to support their faith in verifying our reality. A creationist may quarrel that the knowledge of evolution cannot confirm nor contradict the reality of God or the Supreme power. Science does not make an allowance for the continuation of a spiritual element, as this can neither be measured nor examined by science with proofs to sustain trust or conviction. In addition, supernatural motions, findings, other spiritual experiences and mysterious events, which a lot of people declare to practice or examine, are possible. Science rejects these claims as 'quackery'. Creationists quarrel that the statistical possibility of our subsistence without an intellectual design is almost unfeasible. This point directs towards the existence of God or an intellectual Supreme Being. Therefore, a large amount of our humanity has the need to trust in religious conviction and the Bible as the basis of all reality. All arguments and theories are still unable to solve this riddle as to what made us. Creationists believe that there is a Powerful Being which has created us and they do not need any evidence for this statement. They have firm believe that faith is enough to get rid of questions and misconceptions. They may furthermore quarrel that if the evolutionist were right in their conviction that we are straight ancestors of the ape then why do apes still survive. Or, if we developed from a particle, where and how did that particle start off When did the time begin The creationist trust the world, time and the Supernatural Being had no commencement or ending and that God always existed, still exists and will exist eternally. However, evolutionists believe in evidences and scientific proofs. With the evolutionistic eagerness and zeal for the mission of scientific answers, this investigation will persist to be more studied until verification of our foundation is exposed. The earth has covered an extensive record of ecological, climatic, soil and water changes.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Is pricing promotion the most efficient online shopping market Essay

Is pricing promotion the most efficient online shopping market strategy to attract Chinese college students - Essay Example keting idea 21 Chapter#3: Methodology 22 3.1. Research Philosophy 22 3.2. Research methods 22 3.3. Research design 23 3.3.1. Purpose 23 3.3.2. Research option 23 3.4. Research Strategy 23 3.5. Time Horizon 24 3.6. Design of Sample 24 3.7. The process of research techniques 25 3.7.1. The collection of primary statistic 25 Questionnaire 25 The Interview 25 3.8. Ethical Considerations 26 3.8.1. The research process is affected by Ethical issues generally 26 3.8.2. Ethical issues during design the questionnaire 26 3.8.3. Ethical issues in the process of data collection 26 3.8.4. Ethical issues connected with the emphasis and analysis 27 3.9. Limitation of the research 27 Chapter#4: Analysis of questionnaire 28 Analysis of students choose online shopping 28 The analysis of students' online shopping expansion 28 The types of goods characteristics of online shopping 29 Criteria characteristics of college students’ online shopping 29 Students choose online shopping w ebsite analysis 30 Analysis of problems encountered by students online shopping 30 College students think online shopping insufficient analysis 30 Analysis of characters of issues needs to be perfect 31 Analysis of College students’ the prospection towards online shopping 31 Analysis towards Other factors 31 The interview to stuff of TaoBao 32 The standardization of website’s specialized products and information 32 To maintain the level of moderately priced 33 Establishment of regional storage center 33 Accurate and efficient promotional strategy 33 Improvement of after-sales service 34 Seriously deal with complaints 34 Problem of college students shopping online 35 Business credit is low 35 The problem of security 35 Legal system for online shopping is not perfect 36 Logistics service of net purchases is poor 36 Students’ consciousness of rights safeguard is weak 36 After-sales service of net purchases cannot be achieved 36 Countermeasures to enhance college st udents online shopping 37 Students should strengthen self-protection awareness 37 Industry self-regulation 37 Improvement of network technology 37 Enhance the integrity of online shopping 38 Enhance network security of the enterprise 38 Simplify the refund process 38 Improving the safety factor in the payment process 38 Develop specialized e-commerce law and legal system for online shopping 39 Government’s support 39 Strengthen macro-control and management of the online shopping market 39 Speed up the construction of information infrastructure 39 Improve the express online shops’ logistics service level 40 Introduction of the "logistics insurance 40 Chapter# 5: Conclusion 41 5.1. Study’s conclusion 41 5.2. The Limitation of this research 42 5.3. The direction of further study 43 6. References 44 Abstract This paper introduces Fujian University students for the survey and interviews stuffs from the biggest online shopping website in China-TaoBao, conducted a stud y to analyze college students online shopping situation. The study found that although the online shopping phenomenon is quite common among college students, especially penetration rate of boys online shopping is higher, but the integrity of the online shopping merchants, payment security, imperfect laws and problems of regulations towards online shopping restrict the development of e-commerce network. Because of